The Stepping Stones In America To Exascale And Beyond
To a certain extent, all of the major HPC centers in the world live in the future. …
To a certain extent, all of the major HPC centers in the world live in the future. …
Finding new functional materials for batteries and catalysts and lots of other uses is a major goal of researchers around the world. …
The most exciting thing about the Top500 rankings of supercomputers that come out each June and November is not who is on the top of the list. …
The question is no longer whether or not the “El Capitan” supercomputer that has been in the process of being installed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for the past week – with photographic evidence to prove it – will be the most powerful system in the world. …
When it comes to a lot of high performance computing systems we have seen over the decades, we are fond of saying that the hardware is the easy part. …
As long as great science gets done on the final incarnation of the “Aurora” supercomputer at Argonne National Laboratory, based on Intel’s CPUs and GPUs but not on its now defunct Omni-Path interconnect, people will eventually forget all of – well, most of – the grief that it took to get the massive machine to market. …
Historically Intel put all its cumulative chip knowledge to work advancing Moore’s Law and applying those learnings to its future CPUs. …
Updated: There is some chatter – some might call it well-informed speculation – going on out there on the Intertubes that Japanese system maker NEC is shutting down its “Aurora” Vector Engine vector processor business. …
Whenever a process shrink is available to chip designers, there are several different levers they can pull to make a more powerful compute engine. …
This day always comes. It is the nature of monopoly and hubris. …
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