
Keeping The Blue Waters Supercomputer Busy For Three Years

After years of planning and delays after a massive architectural change, the Blue Waters supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois finally went into production in 2013, giving scientists, engineers and researchers across the country a powerful tool to run and solve the most complex and challenging applications in a broad range of scientific areas, from astrophysics and neuroscience to biophysics and molecular research.


Open Hardware Pushes GPU Computing Envelope

The hyperscalers of the world are increasingly dependent on machine learning algorithms for providing a significant part of the user experience and operations of their massive applications, so it is not much of a surprise that they are also pushing the envelope on machine learning frameworks and systems that are used to deploy those frameworks.


Nvidia Tesla Compute Business Quadruples In Q4

If Nvidia’s Datacenter business unit was a startup and separate from the company, we would all be talking about the long investment it has made in GPU-based computing and how the company has moved from the blade of the hockey stick and rounded the bend and is moving rapidly up the handle with triple-digit revenue growth and an initial public offering on the horizon.