Melding Hyperscale And HPC To Reach Exascale
It is going to take a lot of different things to build an exascale system. …
It is going to take a lot of different things to build an exascale system. …
With the general availability of the “Knights Landing” Xeon Phi many core processors from Intel last month, some of the largest supercomputing labs on the planet are getting their first taste of what the future style of high performance computing could look like for the rest of us. …
Any time a ranking of a technology is put together, that ranking is always called into question as to whether or not it is representative of reality. …
As supercomputing centers look to future exascale systems, among the other pressing concerns (power consumption in particular) is adopting the right programming approach to scale applications across millions of cores. …
Sometimes, it seems that people are of two minds about high performance computing. …
If money was no object, then arguably the major nations of the world that always invest heavily in supercomputing would have already put an exascale class system into the field. …
The supercomputing industry is as insatiable as it is dreamy. We have not even reached our ambitions of hitting the exascale level of performance in a single system by the end of this decade, and we are stretching our vision out to the far future and wondering how the capacity of our largest machines will scale by many orders of magnitude more. …
As the world is now aware, China is now home to the world’s most powerful supercomputer, toppling the previous reigning system, Tianhe-2, which is also located in the country. …
When IBM sold off its System x division to Lenovo Group in the fall of 2014, some big supercomputing centers in the United States and Europe that were long-time customers of Big Blue had to stop and think about what their future systems would look like and who would supply them. …
Weather modeling and forecasting centers are among some of the top users of supercomputing systems and are at the top of the list when it comes to areas that could benefit from exascale-class compute power. …
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