
HPE Chases Deep Learning With GPU Laden Apollo Systems

With machine learning taking off among hyperscalers and others who have massive amounts of data to chew on to better serve their customers and traditional simulation and modeling applications scaling better across multiple GPUs, all server makers are in an arm’s race to see how many GPUs they can cram into their servers to make bigger chunks of compute available to applications.


HPE Aims Cloudline Minimalist Iron At Big Cold Storage

A year ago, at the Open Compute Summit, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, which was not even called that yet, unveiled its bare-bones, vanity free, hyperscale-class Cloudline server lineup, which had the double-edged task of keeping the company selling minimalist machines in China in conjunction with manufacturing partner Foxconn while at the same time giving HPE a chance to defend against the unrelenting pressure of the handful of original design manufacturers (ODMs) that want to topple the world’s largest server maker from its perch.