HPE Superdome Flex: The Other Big Iron In The Datacenter
Not every workload can be chunked up and spread across a relatively loosely coupled cluster of cheap X86 server nodes. …
Not every workload can be chunked up and spread across a relatively loosely coupled cluster of cheap X86 server nodes. …
Enterprises large and small that depend on Hewlett Packard Enterprise to build their systems and certify them for an absolutely enormous amount of software and support them during a long life in the field should send Thank You notes to the venerable systems maker. …
When Hewlett Packard Enterprise bought supercomputer maker SGI back in August 2016 for $275 million, it had already invested years in creating its own “DragonHawk” chipset to build big memory Superdome X systems that were to be the follow-ons to its PA-RISC and Itanium Superdome systems. …
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