
IBM Takes The Patient Path To Future GenAI Profits

While the hyperscalers and cloud builders provide the best indicator of what it takes to create state of the art GenAI models and the infrastructure to train them as well as to put them into production for practical use through an API interface, perhaps IBM is one of the best leading indicators for how GenAI will slowly be adopted by the enterprises of the world within their own organizations.


You Are Paying The Clouds To Build Better AI Than They Will Rent You

Think of it as the ultimate offload model.

One of the geniuses of the cloud – perhaps the central genius – is that a big company that would have a large IT budget, perhaps on the order of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, and that has a certain amount of expertise creates a much, much larger IT organization with billions of dollars – and with AI now tens of billions of dollars – in investments and rents out the vast majority of that capacity to third parties, who essentially allow that original cloud builder to get their own IT operations for close to free.