Red Hat Is The Gatekeeper For ARM In The Datacenter
If any new hardware technology is going to get traction in the datacenter, it has to have the software behind it. …
If any new hardware technology is going to get traction in the datacenter, it has to have the software behind it. …
China represents a big and growing market opportunity for IT vendors around the world. …
Depending on how you want to look at it, the half dozen companies that have aspired to bring ARM architecture to the datacenter through chips designed specifically to run server workloads are either very late to market or very early. …
It would be far beyond the purview of The Next Platform to have deep insight to the complexity, scope, and scale of the Chinese economy. …
Breaking into the datacenter with a new chip architecture is probably more difficult than getting by the security in a modern glass house and literally breaking into it, either physically or digitally over the wire. …
Nearly a year ago at an analyst day event in New York, Qualcomm, the largest maker of ARM chips aimed at smartphones, told the world that it had aspirations for the big machines that feed those smartphones their data and applications and jumped into the 64-bit ARM server fray. …
Might doesn’t make right in this world, but it sure helps. …
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