A Tale Of Two Nvidia Eos Supercomputers
Note: This story augments and corrects information that originally appeared in Half Eos’d: Even Nvidia Can’t Get Enough H100s For Its Supercomputers, which was published on February 15. …
Note: This story augments and corrects information that originally appeared in Half Eos’d: Even Nvidia Can’t Get Enough H100s For Its Supercomputers, which was published on February 15. …
Note: There is a story called A Tale Of Two Nvidia Eos Supercomputers that augments and corrects information that originally appeared in this story as it was published on February 15. …
Normally, when we look at a system, we think from the compute engines at a very fine detail and then work our way out across the intricacies of the nodes and then the interconnect and software stack that scales it across the nodes into a distributed computing platform. …
Anyone building any kind of system that employs any kind of chippery – which means any device today excepting maybe an old-school hammer or screwdriver – is suffering from the vicissitudes and capriciousness of semiconductor supplies. …
Everything seems to be easier for the hyperscalers than it is for large enterprises, but it is just an illusion created by the confluence of some of the best minds in IT with a whole lot of money. …
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