Locking Down The Edge
COMMISSIONED: Edge security is a growing headache. The attack surface is expanding as more operational functions migrate out of centralized locations and into distributed sites and devices. …
COMMISSIONED: Edge security is a growing headache. The attack surface is expanding as more operational functions migrate out of centralized locations and into distributed sites and devices. …
Commissioned: After two years of collective confinement, the world’s population rushed outdoors with a passion. …
COMMISSIONED: Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to change the world. But AI algorithms are only as good as the data sets they’re built on. …
COMMISSIONED: Innovation at the edge is happening at light speed. Everywhere you turn, organizations are seeking to shift their center of data processing gravity from central locations like head offices and datacenters to the outer limits of the operation – to factory floors, hospital wards, truck fleets and smart cities. …
SPONSORED FEATURE: A convergence of cutting-edge technology, generative AI and advanced server infrastructure has unleashed a wave of innovation in the realm of cyber security. …
Sponsored Post: In an IT industry where technologies are habitually hyped beyond reason and sense, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a genuine game changer: something that has the potential to profoundly shape and disrupt the world. …
SPONSORED: For nearly 150 years, we’ve been doing our best to squeeze messages into light. …
The datacenter is becoming hyperdistributed and incorporating some multiple of capacity – 2X, 3X, 4X, or maybe 10X – outside of the traditional datacenter walls because applications and storage live increasingly at the edge. …
For the past decade or so, unless enterprises wanted to build more of their own datacenters, the cloud providers were the only game in town to tackle new workloads at massive scale. …
The “Everest” family of hybrid compute engines made by Xilinx, which have lots of programmable logic surrounded by hardened transistor blocks and which are sold under the Versal brand, have been known for so long that we sometimes forget – or can’t believe – that Versal chips are not yet available as standalone products in the datacenter or within the Alveo line of PCI-Express cards from the chip maker. …
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