Turbulence – And Opportunity – Ahead In The Oracle Sparc Base
You can’t swing a good-sized cat without hitting an enterprise running Oracle software in some shape or form. …
You can’t swing a good-sized cat without hitting an enterprise running Oracle software in some shape or form. …
Intel is not the only system maker that is looking to converge its processor lines to make life a bit simpler for itself and for its customers as well as to save some money on engineering work. …
While a lot of the applications in the world run on clusters of systems with a relatively modest amount of compute and memory compared to NUMA shared memory systems, big iron persists and large enterprises want to buy it. …
If you happen to believe that spending on core IT infrastructure is a leading indicator of the robustness of national economies and the global one that is stitched, somewhat piecemeal like a patchwork quilt. …
Even though the Xeon processor has become the default engine for most kinds of compute in the datacenter, it is by no means to only option that is available to large enterprises that can afford to indulge in different kinds of systems because they do not have to homogenize their systems as hyperscalers must if they are to keep their IT costs in check. …
It is an accepted principle of modern infrastructure that at a certain scale, customization like that done by Google, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, or Baidu pays off. …
The vast majority of the so-called “engineered systems” that Oracle sells into datacenters are based on Intel Xeon processors. …
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