Nvidia Adds Cluster Management To Its Enterprise Stack
Chip maker Nvidia might be best known for its graphics and datacenter compute engines, but the company has made no secret of its aspirations to be a bigger player across the datacenter. …
Chip maker Nvidia might be best known for its graphics and datacenter compute engines, but the company has made no secret of its aspirations to be a bigger player across the datacenter. …
Sponsored If you have a hundred or a thousand machines that you want to work in concert to run a simulation or a model or a machine learning training workload that cannot physically be done by any one single machine, you build a distributed systems cluster and there are all kinds of known tools to manage the underlying server nodes, to create the overarching computing environment, and to then carve it up into pieces to push work through it. …
Long gone are the days when high performance computing was limited solely to traditional simulation and modeling at academic and government research labs. …
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