IBM has created a virtual hackathon for all you lovely developers to test drive your data-intensive applications on the OpenPOWER server, GPU and accelerator platform. And there’s $27,000 worth of prizes on the table. Want to give it a go? Check out the competition rules and register for the OpenPOWER Developer Challenge.
The closing deadline is September 1 and already 277 individuals have signed up. So don’t dilly dally: tear down those hardware performance barriers and submit your entry. Choose which track is the one for you and connect with the experts ‘round the clock on Slack to get all the pointers you need.
The Open Road Test
- Port to OpenPOWER
- Performance optimize & race against your first compile
- Go faster with accelerators
The Accelerated Spark Rally
Multiple possibilities to choose from:
- Port an existing GPU accelerated application to Apache Spark
- Create a new Spark application that uses GPU acceleration, or add GPU acceleration to an existing Spark application.
- Use GPUs to accelerate Spark itself
The Cognitive Cup
Multiple Deep Learning challenges to choose from:
- ArtNet: Recognize artwork with Deep Learning
- TuneNet: Guide Programmer Optimization Using Deep Learning
- YourNet: Define and solve your own Deep Learning problem
Competitions mean prizes, right?
For each track, one representative from each individual or team will receive an all expenses paid trip to Supercomputing 2016 in Utah in November. And each member of the winning team (up to five people) win an Apple Watch Sport.
Up to five members for the second-placed team in each track will win Apple iPad Air 16GB. The third prize in each track is an Apple Watch Sport – again for up to five team members.
Sign up today!
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