Bulking Up The File System for A World Of Clouds And Edges
The challenge of managing data is growing faster than the data itself is piling up, and that is bad except for the companies that can create new tools to manage it, either to use internally as the hyperscalers do or to sell to those who cannot fund such development and count on vendors to do it. …
Qumulo Eyes More OEMs As It Refreshes HPE Partnership
Companies who offer software-defined products, by definition, rely on hardware providers in order to offer something useful to customers. …
Building A File System That’s Primed for the Times
One of the temptations of IT companies that skate on the cutting edge is that they get enamored with their own inventions, forgetting that customers are a lot more interested in practical solutions than whiz-bang technology. …
A File System for a Changing IT World
Qumulo was born at a time of change. When the company was founded seven years ago, enterprises were still running most of their business on premises, but the cloud was out there now and software-defined was gaining steam. …
Swiss Army Knife File System Cuts Through Petabytes
Petabytes are in the future of every company, and luckily, the future is always being invented by the IT ecosystem to handle it. …
Qumulo File System Tackles Petabyte Scale Data Management
Hoarding data using commodity storage servers is “cheap and cheerful,” as the phrase goes. …