Just How Big Are Nvidia’s Server And Networking Businesses?
In the absence of hard numbers, we have never been shy about making estimates because educated guesses is all you sometimes have to make a decision or to derive some kind of insight. …
In the absence of hard numbers, we have never been shy about making estimates because educated guesses is all you sometimes have to make a decision or to derive some kind of insight. …
Next year, with the launch of the “Grace” Arm server processors, Nvidia will have all of the compute and networking bases it cares about in the datacenter covered, and it will be selling its technology at a rapid pace. …
Sponsored Moving more bits across a copper wire or optical cable at a lower cost per bit shifted has been the dominant driver of datacenter networking since distributed systems were first developed more than three decades ago. …
Sponsored When it comes to compute engines and network interconnects for supercomputers, there are lots of different choices available, but ultimately the nature of the applications — and how they evolve over time — will drive the technology choices that organizations make. …
It is hard to imagine how anyone could run Nvidia better than it is being run right now. …
It is always good to have options when it comes to optimizing systems because not all software behaves the same way and not all institutions have the same budgets to try to run their simulations and models on HPC clusters. …
As supercomputer centers have long known and as hyperscalers and cloud builders eventually learned, the larger the cluster, the greater the chance that one of the many components in the system will fail at any particular time. …
That is not a typo in the title. We did not mean to say GPU in title above, or even make a joke that in hybrid CPU_GPU systems, the CPU is more of a serial processing accelerator with a giant slow DDR4 cache for GPUs in hybrid supercomputers these days – therefore making the CPU a kind of accelerator for the GPU. …
To one way of thinking about it, this is the best of times among the worst of times for Nvidia. …
If this is the middle of November, even during a global pandemic, this must be the SC20 supercomputing conference and there either must be a speed bump that is being previewed for the InfiniBand interconnect commonly used for HPC and AI or it is actually shipping in systems. …
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