Hyperscalers Start Taking Pure Storage Flash For A Spin
Usually, innovation starts with the hyperscalers, HPC centers, and cloud builders of the world and spreads to the enterprise. …
Usually, innovation starts with the hyperscalers, HPC centers, and cloud builders of the world and spreads to the enterprise. …
The best technology companies have always taken something that was complex and done a whole lot of engineering or in many cases re-engineering of it to make it usable and consumable – with the right pricing – so it can go mainstream. …
As enterprises continue to embrace hybrid and multicloud models, they are looking for fast access to the data that can be stored both on-premises or in public clouds, and often in more than one cloud. …
IBM’s systems hardware business finished 2017 in a stronger position than it has seen in years, due in large part to the continued growth of the company’s stalwart System z mainframes and Power platform. …
There is no question that plenty of companies are shifting their storage infrastructure from giant NAS and SAN appliances to more generic file, block, and object storage running on plain vanilla X86 servers equipped with flash and disk. …
All-flash arrays are still new enough to be somewhat exotic but are – finally – becoming mainstream. …
All flash storage arrays can be sprinkled around the datacenter to provide zippy block storage for database virtual server applications. …
If disk drives were not so inexpensive and capacious, companies would have stopped using them for persistent storage as soon as flash drives became reliable enough for an enterprise duty cycle. …
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