Google Courts Enterprise For Cloud Platform
Google has always been a company that thinks big. After all, its mission since Day One was to organize and make accessible all of the world’s information. …
Google has always been a company that thinks big. After all, its mission since Day One was to organize and make accessible all of the world’s information. …
Google’s Cloud Platform is the relative newcomer on the public cloud block, and has a way to go before before it is in the same competitive sphere as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, both of which deliver a broader and deeper range of offerings and larger infrastructures. …
Google has proven time and again it is on the extreme bleeding edge of invention when it comes to scale out architectures that make supercomputers look like toys. …
Making storage cheaper on the cloud does not necessarily mean using tape or Blu-Ray discs to hold data. …
Call it a phase that companies will have to go through to get to the promised land of the public cloud. …
Search engine giant Google has invented so much sophisticated and scalable infrastructure for gathering, processing, and storing information that you cannot help it for wanting you to just consume what it has created as an abstracted platform service, just like the programmers at Google do. …
A few weeks ago, I put together a list of the elements of what I considered a production software stack, or platform, for running modern applications based on my experiences on how to break down these problems after having spent ten years at Google. …
If there is one lesson that the big three public cloud providers teach, it is that there is no substitute for breadth and depth in software engineering. …
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