An Acceleration Boost for Legacy Theoretical Physics Code
One of the ultimate legacy high performance computing applications, Lattice QCD (quantum chromodynamics) has been adapted to run efficiently on Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. …
One of the ultimate legacy high performance computing applications, Lattice QCD (quantum chromodynamics) has been adapted to run efficiently on Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. …
When Hewlett-Packard launched its moonshot effort to create a new computing architecture centered on non-volatile memory last year, called The Machine, many people jumped to a number of wrong conclusions. …
When it comes to high performance computing, IBM is in a phase change that will take it several years to complete with its key OpenPower infrastructure partners, Nvidia and Mellanox Technologies. …
There are almost too many ways to skin the storage cat in the enterprise datacenter these days. …
When one thinks about the largest supercomputing sites on the planet and the approach to examining future technologies for next-generation systems, it might seem logical to guess they are at the bleeding edge of exploring entirely new, under-the-radar architectures and approaches that could spike the curve of Moore’s Law. …
CERN is set to go dark for a brief period in the 2018 timeframe to allow for a new sweep of technology upgrades, including the build-out of new datacenters, some of which might leverage non-standard architectures, including ARM processors. …
Media companies and supercomputing centers have similar compute, storage, and bandwidth issues, but their workloads and users vary enough that they require different kinds of systems. …
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