Bringing HPC and Hadoop Under the Same Cluster Umbrella
The computational capability of modern supercomputers, matched with the data handling abilities of the Hadoop framework, when done efficiently, creates a best of both worlds opportunity. …
The computational capability of modern supercomputers, matched with the data handling abilities of the Hadoop framework, when done efficiently, creates a best of both worlds opportunity. …
Utility-style computing was not invented by Amazon Web Services, but you could make a credible argument that it was perfected by the computing arm of the retail giant. …
With neighbors China and Japan hosting top-tier high performance computing systems, Korea wants to put more skin in the supercomputing game with extended investments over the next five years. …
It has been somewhat difficult to ascertain what problems the fastest supercomputer on the planet has been chewing on since it was announced in 2013, but there are some signs that China is now pinning the machine’s mission on the future of genomics, among other areas. …
In-memory databases are all the rage for very fast query processing, but you have to have the right balance of compute and memory for queries against in-memory databases to really scream. …
Korean auto manufacturer, Hyundai, has tapped into the top-tier U.S. Titan supercomputer, as well as other smaller systems at Oak Ridge National Lab, to cultivate key materials science breakthroughs that will decrease the weight (and up the efficient) of next-generation cars. …
From its mainframes to the modern Power architectures, few companies have pushed investments into chip designs with the gusto IBM has over the years. …
The point of software containers is to provide a level of abstraction for bits of system and application programs so they can be run anywhere and maintained easily. …
When search engine giant Google started planning and then building software-defined networks more than a decade ago, the term did not even exist yet. …
By the time Ashish Thusoo left Facebook in 2011, the company had grown to around 4,000 people, many of whom needed to access the roughly 150 petabytes of data—quite a hike from the 15 petabytes his team was trying to wrench from data warehouses in 2008. …
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