GenAI Only As Good As Its Data And Platforms

COMMISSIONED: Whether you’re using one of the leading large language models (LLM), emerging open-source models or a combination of both, the output of your generative AI service hinges on the data and the foundation that supports it.


The Retail Edge Needs Resilient IT

COMMISSIONED: Retailers are using edge computing for a variety of use cases, collecting data from sensors, cameras and other devices and crunching the numbers with advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the customer experience and drive efficiencies.


A Platform For Securely Scaling Operations At The Edge

COMMISSIONED: Innovation at the edge is happening at light speed. Everywhere you turn, organizations are seeking to shift their center of data processing gravity from central locations like head offices and datacenters to the outer limits of the operation – to factory floors, hospital wards, truck fleets and smart cities.